Posts in Employment Agreement.

Federal court judge strikes down Federal Trade Commission's ban on employment non-compete agreements. 

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New salary worker thresholds for overtime pay are set to begin taking effect on July 1, 2024.

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The anticipated repeal of Michigan’s “right-to-work” law will significantly change the landscape for unionized and non-unionized employers, alike.

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If a new Federal Trade Commission rule is enacted, employer noncompete agreements may be prohibited.

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If your job applications don’t include a six-month limitations period, it should or you could face unnecessary liability like this employer.

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Employers should carefully consider which employees should be bound by non-compete agreements or at least consider selectively enforcing them only against departing employees who can adversely impact the business.

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Employers should clearly state intention to arbitrate disputes when drafting agreements. 

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In current legal landscape, employers may do well to continue including a contractual limitations period on employment applications and handbook acknowledgments.

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Michigan Court of Appeals issues rare ruling in employee versus contractor workers’ disability compensation case.

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There’s no need to mourn the loss of your corporate social media accounts to disgruntled or former employees.

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Appellate court found employer’s verbal agreement may constitute an enforceable employment contract, although the written agreement was never signed.

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Following new court ruling, employers advised to make employee handbook Acknowledgement and Agreement forms stand-alone document, completely separate from employee handbooks.

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If your company doesn't require employees to agree to a shortened limitations period to bring claims, you need to do that today!

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