

State Amends Unemployment Security Act

Claudia D. Orr

Michigan’s Unemployment Security Act was amended by House Bill (HB) 6427 and 6426 to provide unemployment benefits to those who previously would not have qualified.  The Bills were passed by the state Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Jennifer Granholm on Jan. 9. 

Generally, the state denies unemployment benefits to individuals who left work voluntarily without good cause attributable to the employer. However, beginning Jan. 12, an exception exists under HB 6427 for an individual who is the spouse of a full-time member of the United States armed forces and whose resignation is due to the military reassignment of that family member to a different geographic location. 

Fortunately for employers, HB 6426 provides that, for benefit years beginning after March 30, 2009, benefits paid to such individuals shall not be chargeable to the employer, but rather to the “nonchargeable benefits account.”

The amendments took effect on Jan. 12, 2009.

To view House Bill 6427, click here and to view House Bill 6426, click here.

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