
Review Past Event: Freedom of Information Act Update Webinar

Tinkering With FOIA - The Legislative 'Fix' That May Cost Municipalities

Tinkering with the Freedom of Information Act

Archived Webinar:

Tinkering With FOIA
The Legislative 'Fix' That May Cost Municipalities

Originally Held: Thursday, July 23, 2015
Time: Noon to 1:15 p.m. (EDT)
Cost: Complimentary

Topic Overview:

Michigan’s municipalities face a new series of challenges and potential costs following an amendment earlier this year of the state’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) statute.

In an effort to increase local government transparency and reduce the cost of document production requests by members of the public, Public Act 563 was passed and signed into law by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder.

The amendments took effect on July 1, 2015. Is your municipality in compliance?

This webinar provided municipal officials with the key Act 563 requirements, including:

  • New-fee related procedures
  • Internal requirements for FOIA request intake and response
  • Changes to what municipalities can and can’t charge for document production
  • Challenges and appeals procedures
  • Penalties for not responding to information requests
  • Standards for written responses to FOIA requests
  • Creation of a written public summary describing procedures and guidelines
  • Municipal website promotion of standards and procedures

Tinkering With FOIA was co-presented by members of Plunkett Cooney’s Tort & Litigation and Municipal Law practice groups. Feel free to invite a colleague to review the archived materials linked below.

Intended Audience for this Webinar:

This webinar was designed to benefit elected and appointed municipal officials, as well as insurance professionals who provide public sector coverage.


